tim o'toole
Born in Dayton, Ohio painter Tim O’Toole’s enthusiasm for drawing and painting began at an early age. He was encouraged by his parents and their circle of friends, many of whom were professional painters and sculptors. He found himself surrounded from the onset by a wealth of creativity and a celebration of personal expression.
Tim spent several years in Pennsylvania and over twenty years in Colorado working on location to hone his skill as a master landscape painter. “The best thing about plein-air painting is being outdoors,” the artist explains. “When I am in the field, I react to whatever captivates me and work quickly to capture what I see as the light changes.” When a scene captivates my attention, I paint spreading the paint over the canvas using brushes, palette knives and my fingers - anything to capture the moment.” Therefore, Tim’s art is always changing and evolving.
Not just a landscape painter, Tim’s body of work includes a variety of subject matter with many different techniques. “There is always a challenge to capture the spirit and emotion of each painting.” Tim is able to transform more traditional images into impressionistic, contemporary and abstract pieces by manipulating paint and brush strokes.
“A genuine love of painting is what motivates my life.”